Welcome to Piper Blue's Blog Page!

Piper Blue is a small internet based business, that offers a wide variety of handmade goods, candles and aromatics, and silly gifts galore.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

And so the blogging begins......

I've never imagined myself to be a "blogger", as I don't feel that I am able to convey my thoughts very well. My very own thoughts and ideas are so much cooler running through my head, instead of written...I promise. I am that of a rambler, so I apologize, in advance, for the random babbling that is sure to occur in the future.

Piper Blue has been doing fairly well, since it's debut, earlier this year. It's quite time consuming, but I certainly didn't think otherwise. I really have been enjoying myself, so I consider it to be good stress. My father would be so proud, as he always tried to nonchalantly steer me towards a business degree. Piper Blue is a small venture, but I still wish he were here to watch.

The website is coming, I promise! It has turned from a monkey to a walrus, flailing away, on my back, day after day. If only I had acquired some sort of degree in web and graphic design. If any one has any advice on the subject, please throw it my way. I'm floating along in a pool of Intuit Website 30-day Trial period, and my remaining experimental time is quickly drying up.

Meanwhile, wholesaling is in the mix, the intro to some new jewelry, other than gobs of earrings, and some fun outdoor decor, just in time for spring!

I know that everybody keeps asking about the Capri Blue candles, and they are coming. I'm limited in stock at the moment, but please let me know if you would like a certain item in the collection. If it is not in stock, then I will include it in the next order. The rest of the retail products will be introduced after the website is complete.

I must thank everyone for all of the support, and I truly appreciate you all for taking the time to check out Piper Blue!!

I'll leave you all with some fun photos. Piper really started this whole thing, but my boys, Cash and Colby, are also a great source of my inspiration!

Colby, 10 year old chocolate lab
Piper, 1 year old whippet
Cash, 5 year old yellow lab